Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I know


'If one day, when I lost my job, and I have no money, will you leave me?'-
There was a night when we're having dinner with his colleagues, seemed they were facing some problems in work, and the guys kept talking about to leave the club. He was very quiet for the whole night, until he raised up this question. I laughed at him, 'what do you think, darling?' I asked. He shook his head, looked straight into my eyes, waiting for my answer. I told him of course I'll never leave him, worst come to worst, we can just eat bread with tuna everyday, some more that's his favourite! We laughed together, and finally I saw his smile... He held my hand close to his lips, and kissed softly.

Deep inside my heart, I know that I'm totally falling into this guy, whom I willing to follow no matter what kind of future awaiting in front. There is no doubt, if he is the only one who able to bring me happiness, and if he is the only man I want to love in my life. I think i am getting crazy, to be in love with someone so much as this, which never ever happens in my life before. But i know for sure,he is definitely the worthy person who deserves it. :)